To use SourceForge's repository for WRITE access, you must request access to the repositories as a "developer". This request must be sent to one of the project administrators of wxWorkshop along with a reason why you need WRITE privileges to the repository.
Unless you are a common contributor or maintainer of some portion of the wxWorkshop, WRITE privileges are not necessary nor recommended, as patches can be submitted to the development list via the patch facility provided by SourceForge. To submit a patch, go to:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxworkshop/and click the "Path Manager" link near the bottom of the page.
If you do need WRITE privileges, see the list of project administrators on the wxWorkshop web page at SourceForge:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxworkshop/for the list of persons to contact to request WRITE privileges.
All of the sections below are tagged with either "WRITE" or "ANONYMOUS" to indicate steps that differ if you are using WRITE access or ANONYMOUS access.
The instructions at SourceForge are somewhat dated. Broken links and missing information make it quite difficult to perform the setup of WinCVS for accessing the wxWorkshop repositories. The original instructions can be found at: WinCVS/CVS/SSH Guide Further instructions specific to setting up WinCVS can be found at: Win32/CVS/SSH addendum for WinCVS
Below I have taken most of the generic instructions provided at the two above listed pages, and compiled them into instructions specific for wxWorkshop.
You can download WinCVS at
I personally am using v1.20 and have found it quite stable.
SSH - Only needed if you are going to obtain WRITE access
To use SourceForge's repository for WRITE access, you must use SSH (v1.x) to gain WRITE access. I briefly attempted using SSH v2.x, but failed with many errors such as "Protocol not supported". The link on the SourceForge instructions point to a website to download SSH v1.2.14, but the link is no longer valid. SSH1 is no longer available at that site. I managed to track down a copy of this older version, and have placed a copy at:
ftp://ftp.remstar.com/pub/wxwin/tools/ssh-1.2.14-win32bin.zipUnzip this file which contains the following files:
ZLIB.DLLThere is no install/setup program, just unzip to whatever directory you want the program installed to.
The directory that you unzip your files to must be in the system path, or must be added to the system path before using SSH. See instructions below for adding the SHH program directory to the path in the CONFIGURE SSH section of the instructions.
wxWindows v2.3.x or higher
You must be using wxWindows v2.3.x or higher to use/compile wxWorkshop. Please see the wxWindows homepage for instructions on downloading wxWindows.
You only need to setup SSH if
you are going
to be using WRITE
access to the repository.
Feedback from Dave Webster (Dave.Webster@bhmi.com) November 13
If you are behind an NT-WinGate based
firewall and you desire write
access, you will have to get pserver auth.
Ssh simply will not work.
1. The SSH program files must be placed in a directory that is in your system PATH statement. Either unzip them to a directory already in your path or create a new path and add it to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For example, if you put the files from the SSH zip in C:\SSH1 then add this line to the end of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
2. You'll need a "home" directory where SSH will store settings for you.
This directory can be anywhere, but an environment variable must be setup in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to indicate its location. Add a line like this to your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file to set the environment variable to indicate the directory SSH should consider as "home".
(or wherever you want your home directory to be)
3. You need to create an \ETC directory on the same drive you set your HOME directory to. Using the same drive as the example above, create a directory on drive D: called ETC:
4. Create a text file in this new directory called PASSWD. The file should have one line in it that looks something like this:
georgetasker:x:1:10:Tasker, George:d:/home:c:/windows/command.com
Each entry is separated by a colon (":").
The first entry is your SourceForge user name (this name must be in lowercase, even if your SourceForge user name uses mixed case letters). Don't worry about the next 4 entries. The 6th entry is the path to your HOME directory you setup in step 2. This can include a drive letter but remember to use the "/" character instead of the normal DOS "\". The next entry in the line points to your command interpreter (command.com on Windows 95/98, cmd.exe on Windows NT). This isn't used but you need an entry here.
5. Restart your system so your environmental variables and path can be updated.
6. You are now ready to test your connection to SourceForge. This step will also affair your SourceForge password for SSH use, creating the necessary login/password files for WinCVS access via SSH.
From a DOS prompt enter the following command:
ssh -l georgetasker cvs.wxWorkshop.sourceforge.net
Again, case is important on these commands. Note the lower case user name, and that the "W" in wxWorkshop must be capitalized.
NOTE: The instructions on the SourceForge instructions page neglects to tell you to have "cvs." before the project name. It will not work without this. It is mentioned on the Win32/CVS/SSH addendum for WinCVS page, but not on the primary page.
Replace "georgetasker" with your SourceForge user name. If this is your first time connecting you'll see a message saying SSH is adding the host to your known hosts.
7. You will now be prompted to enter your SourceForge user password
Enter your password. You will then see a connection made, and then exited, something like this:
Last login: Sun Nov 12 06:55:33 2000 from
No mail.
Welcome to cvs1.sourceforge.net
This is a restricted Shell Account
You cannot execute anything here.
Connection to cvs.wxWorkshop.sourceforge.net closed.
Congratulations! You should now be logged into SourceForge through SSH.
SSH will create a new directory the first time you log into SourceForge in your HOME directory called ".SSH". In this directory are two files. "random_seed" is just a binary file so don't worry about it (let me know if you know what it's used for). Each time you log into a project on SourceForge through SSH, an entry will be added to a binary file called "known_hosts" (remember the message when you logged in?).
FIRST, BE WARNED. If you have already checked out the repository using the :pserver: connection rather than the :ext: connection, SourceForge recommends ( Win32/CVS/SSH addendum for WinCVS ) that you start over. Either wipe your local copy of the repository, or check the files out to a new directory, otherwise there is no (documented) way to ever achieve WRITE access using the local copy of the repository that was created using :pserver:.
1. Start WinCVS
2. Under Admin | Preferences | General tab enter the CVSROOT for your project:
For WRITE access, set CVSROOT to:
For ANONYMOUS access, set CVSROOT to:
NOTE: Case is sensitive here. Be sure
to use "wxWorkshop" first, then "wxworkshop" at the end.
For WRITE access, set "Authentification" to:
SSH Server
Substitute your SourceForge user name in place of "georgetasker".
For ANONYMOUS access, set "Authentification" to:
On the PORTS tab,
For WRITE access, check the "Check for an alternation rsh name:", and be sure that "ssh" is entered in the text field.
For ANONYMOUS access, leave all boxes unchecked on this tab.
All other settings can on other tabs can remain at their default settings.
NOTE: For WRITE access, do not try to use Admin | Login to login to CVS. This is not necessary when using SSH logins for WRITE access, and in fact will make your checked out CVS repository not be able to check files back in!
Depending on the version of WinCVS you are using, if you are using ANONYMOUS
access, you may need to do Admin | Login before doing the next step
to check out the wxWorkshop module for the first time. If you get
an error about not being logged in on the step below, try Admin | Login
3. You can now use the menu commands to check in/out source code from the GUI, or perform any other actions. For WRITE and ANONYMOUS access both, to get your initial checkout of the wxWorkshop module, you will choose CREATE | CHECKOUT MODULE... the name of the repository you wish to check out is "wxWorkshop" (case specific!). Specify the local folder of where you wish to check it out to (e.g. "d:\repository") and the module will be checked out to a subdir named "wxWorkshop" of the dir you specified (e.g. "d:\repository\wxWorkshop").
For WRITE access, each time you perform an action (such as a checkout or checkin) using SSH, a DOS window will pop up each time (the DOS window may not pop up to the top, but it will appear on your task bar). Click on the DOS box button on the task bar, and the DOS box will appear with one word:
showing in the top left corner. Until you enter your SourceForge password, WinCVS will sit paused waiting for this password to be entered. Enter your SourceForge password, and the command you tried to execute will begin. The DOS box will remain until the command you executed is finished, then it will disappear on its own.
As of this time, I do not know how to make the program remember my password. If anyone figures out a way to avoid having to enter the password each and every time for every command, please let me know!!
That's it. Those are the steps I had to follow to get WinCVS to work for me with SourceForge and wxWorkshop. If you find any mistakes in what I wrote above, or have any additions/suggestions, send me e-mail:gtasker@fastpicsystems.com
George Tasker